Create a Less Than Truckload (LTL) shipment to be tracked in project44's network. The shipment must be created by you or the customer before you can send tracking updates.
As you get started, here are some best practices to keep in mind:
- Each API Request must be preceded by this line: Authorization: Bearer access_token
- Build for future customers by not hard-coding the Customer ID.
- Keep your client application continually authorized by having your client application’s receipt of the
401 Invalid or missing credentials
HTTP status code in the API Response generate a request for a new access token using its client credentials.
Create a LTL Shipment
Create a LTL shipment to be tracked when a customer has not or is unable to create the shipment.
Have the following information:
- Customer Account ID
- Carrier ID:
- Shipment ID:
. If there is more than one shipment ID with the same type, include theprimaryForType
field. - Shipment stop information including the stop type, stop number, address, contact, and appointment window.
- Prepare a
request to /api/v4/capacityproviders/ltl/shipments. Include all required information list above. For example:
{ "customerAccount": { "accountIdentifier": "Customer 1" }, "carrierIdentifier": { "type": "SCAC", "value": "string" }, "shipmentIdentifiers": [ { "type": "PRO", "value": "123-45678C", "primaryForType": true }, { "type": "BILL_OF_LADING", "value": "1234567890", "primaryForType": true } ], "shipmentStops": [ { "stopType": "ORIGIN", "stopNumber": 1, "location": { "address": { "postalCode": "60654", "addressLines": [ "222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza" ], "city": "Chicago", "state": "IL", "country": "US" }, "contact": { "companyName": "project44 Chicago" } }, "appointmentWindow": { "startDateTime": "2021-09-01T08:00:00", "endDateTime": "2021-09-01T22:00:00", "localTimeZoneIdentifier": "America/Chicago" } }, { "stopType": "DESTINATION", "stopNumber": 2, "location": { "address": { "postalCode": "78756", "addressLines": [ "3800 N Lamar Blvd" ], "city": "Austin", "state": "TX", "country": "US" }, "contact": { "companyName": "project44 Austin" } }, "appointmentWindow": { "startDateTime": "2021-09-10T08:00:00", "endDateTime": "2021-09-10T11:00:00", "localTimeZoneIdentifier": "America/Austin" } } ] }
- Send the request.
Expected System
The request is successfully submitted and confirmed when a 202 Accepted response is received. Errors
If there was a problem with your request, you will receive one of the following error codes:
400 Invalid request
401 Invalid or missing credentials
403 User not authorized to perform this operation
See Error Response Codes in the Appendix for more information on the meaning of these error codes.
Fields and Objects
The table below describes only the minimum relevant fields necessary for creating a LTL shipment. These are also the same fields returned in the API Response 202 Accepted
Field | Description |
customerAccount | An object of the account information for the customer of the shipment. |
customerAccount.accountIdentifier | The account identifier for the customer of the shipment. This is used to identify the customer in project44's system. |
carrierIdentifier | An object that includes your capacity provider identifier information. |
carrierIdentifier.type | The type of your capacity identifier. SCAC is the only type accepted in this API. |
carrierIdentifier.value | The value of your identifier. |
shipmentIdentifiers | This array includes the list if shipment IDs that are used to track the shipment. |
shipmentIdentifiers.type | The type of the shipment ID. At least one identifier in this array must be a PRO Number (shipmentIdentifiers.type = PRO ). Other valid values include: BILL_OF_LADING , CUSTOMER_REFERENCE , PICKUP , PURCHASE_ORDER , or EXTERNAL . |
shipmentIdentifiers.value | The value of the shipment ID. |
shipmentIdentifiers.primaryForType | This field indicates if the shipment ID is the primary shipment ID for that type. The primary shipment ID will always be attempted before other identifiers of the same type. |
shipmentStops | This array includes the shipment stop information. |
shipmentStops.stopType | The type of stop. User-defined stops will always have the customer locations ORIGIN and DESTINATION . TERMINAL stops types are capacity provider redistribution centers and will be inserted dynamically as you return them. The TERMINAL stop types will be ignored during shipment creation. |
shipmentStops.stopNumber | The stop number, where the ORIGIN is 1 and the DESTINATION has the largest number. Any stops in between are numbered in order of appointment time. You can leave this field empty during shipment creation. The DESTINATION stop number will change dynamically as terminals are discovered along the shipment route from ORIGIN to DESTINATION . The stopType is the most useful field for easily and reliably identifying the ORIGIN and DESTINATION . |
shipmentStops.location | This array contains data about the stop's location, including address and contact information. Full address and contact information should be included during shipment creation. Terminals may or may not have complete address and contact information. |
shipmentStops.location.address | This array contains the stop's address information. |
shipmentStops.location.address.postalCode | The ZIP or postal code of the stop location. |
shipmentStops.location.address.addressLines | An array of strings with address information that includes the street name, number, direction, PO Box, etc. for the stop location. NOTE: Currently, only three address lines are permitted. | | The name of the city or town of the stop location. |
shipmentStops.location.address.state | The abbreviation of the state, province, district, etc. of the stop location. This is only applicable to locations in North America. For locations outside of North America, leave this blank. | | The abbreviation of the country (using ISO 3166 standards) of the stop location. The default is US . | | This array contains the contact information for the stop. | | The company name of the contact at the stop. |
shipmentStops.appointmentWindow | An array with information about the shipment's expected window of arrival at this stop. This information may be used to report whether a shipment is on time to a stop. It may also be used to match and look up shipments with the capacity provider (for example, by comparing pickup dates). Note that the start and end times are required for appointmentWindow ; the default start time does not apply to this field. On responses, the time zone identifier (for example, America/Chicago ) for this date time window is determined by project44 when possible based on the stop's address. |
shipmentStops.appointmentWindow.startDateTime | Start date and time of the stop window in the applicable time zone, formatted yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss . The default is the current date. |
shipmentStops.appointmentWindow.endDateTime | End date and time of the stop window in the applicable time zone, formatted yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss . |
shipmentStops.appointmentWindow.localTimeZoneIdentifier | The time zone identifier for the appointment window. For example: America/Chicago or Europe/Berlin |