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Event Types

Event TypeDescriptionAdditional Element Requirements*
ARRIVED_AT_STOPThe vehicle transporting the shipment has arrived at a stop. The address on the event is the arrived stop address.Location city, state, postal code, country.
AVAILABLE_FOR_PICKUPThe shipment is ready for pickup.Location city, state, postal code, country recommended.
CANCELLEDShipment tracking has been cancelled.
DELAYEDThe progress of the shipment's transit has been delayed.
DELIVEREDThe shipment has been delivered.
DELIVERY_MISSEDA delivery was attempted but unable to be completed.
DEPARTED_STOPThe vehicle transporting the shipment has departed a stop. The address on the event is the departed stop address.Location city, state, postal code, country.
ETAThe estimated arrival time of the shipment to the final destination.Estimated time of arrival.
EXCEPTIONA problem with the shipment has occurred.Location city, state, postal code, country recommended.
HELDThe shipment is being held by the carrier.
LOADED_FOR_DELIVERYThe shipment has been loaded onto the vehicle for delivery.Location city, state, postal code, country recommended.
OUT_FOR_DELIVERYThe shipment is out for delivery.Location city, state, postal code, country.
PICKED_UPThe shipment has been picked up.Location city, state, postal code, country recommended.
POSITION_UPDATEThe update is reporting the current location of the shipment.Required.
SHIPMENT_CREATEDThe shipment has been created.
SHIPMENT_RECEIVEDThe shipment has been received.

*beyond the Carrier ID, shipment ID, timestamp, and Event Type requirements