Last updated


The Orders API provides visibility into your supply chain. The Orders API can be used in combination with the Loads API for a comparative view between contractual order dates and shipment delivery. Use these endpoints to create (POST), track (GET), update (PUT), or delete (DELETE) orders. You can return order information by unique order ID.

Use the following information to write a client application to integrate your TMS or other system to the project44 platform through our Orders API.

More robust user guides are coming soon – stay tuned!


  1. Get proper credentials.
  2. Create an Order.
  3. Get Order Information.
  4. Update an Order.
  5. Delete an Order.

Workflow Details

Get Credentials

You must be provisioned with a tenant to have a client application within that tenant with the appropriate permissions to use any API within project44.

See here for more information on Authentication and Authorization.

Create an Order

Use the POST endpoint to create an Order.

Required FieldsorderIdentifier and orderType

A unique project44 ID is returned in the response after shipment creation. You can store this ID to use in future API calls.

Get Order Information

Use the GET endpoint to retrieve information about your Order.

Required Fieldsid

Update an Order

Use the PUT endpoint to update an existing Order.

Required Fieldsid and orderIdentifier

Delete an Order

Use the DELETE endpoint to delete your Order.

Required Fieldsid