Last updated

Delete a Shipment

Delete a Less than Truckload (LTL) shipment to stop tracking the shipment in project44's network and delete its record in the UI (for example, Movement).

Delete a LTL Shipment


Have the following information:

  • Master Shipment ID (this is the id returned in the 200 OK response during Shipment Creation).


Complete these steps:

  1. Prepare a DELETE request to /api/v4/shipments/{shipmentId}/tracking.
  2. Add the Master Shipment ID.
  3. Send the request.

Expected System Response

The request is successfully submitted and confirmed when a 200 OK response is received.


If there was a problem with your request, you will receive one of the following error codes

  • 400 Invalid request
  • 401 Invalid or missing credentials
  • 403 User not authorized to perform this operation

See Error Response Codes in the Appendix for more information on the meaning of these error codes.