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Parcel Shipment Event Types

Below are the available Event Types for Parcel shipments and the descriptions for each Event Type.

Event TypeDescription
ARRIVAL_AT_STOPThe shipment has arrived at a stop.
AVAILABLEThe shipment is available for pickup.
DELAYEDThe shipment is delayed.
DELIVERYThe shipment is being delivered to its final destination.
DELIVERY_MISSEDDelivery of the shipment was missed.
DEPARTURE_FROM_STOPThe vehicle transporting the shipment has left the stop.
EXCEPTIONShipment exception. See the event description for more information on this exception.
HELDThe shipment is being held at a facility.
INFOThis includes events that are not listed in this table including location notifications while the shipment is in transit, out to stop notifications, an unknown or "not found" event, or a null event notification.
LOADThe shipment is being loaded onto a vehicle.
OUT_FOR_DELIVERYThe shipment is in transit to its final destination.
PICKED_UPThe shipment has been picked up.
RECEIVE_FROM_SHIPPERThe shipment has been picked up from the shipper's origin.
RETURN_TO_SENDERThe shipment has been returned to the sender.
TRACKING_END_BY_USERShipment tracking has been ended by the shipper.
TRACKING_INITIATEThe shipment has been created.
UNKNOWNThe event type was left blank.