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Create a Shipment

Create a Rail shipment to initalize the shipment for tracking. There are different requirements for creating a rail shipment based on region (North America or Europe) and number of stops (this is specific to EU rail shipments only). These requirements are indicated in each use case below.

Create a North America Rail Shipment

Create a North America Rail shipment to be tracked in project44's network. This step is necessary before tracking of a Rail shipment can start.


Have the following information, at a minimum, to successfully create a shipment:

  • Shipment identifier (CONTAINER_ID, TRAILER_ID, or RAIL_CAR_ID)


  1. Prepare a POST request to /api/v4/shipments/tracking. For example:
    "identifiers": [
            "type": "TRAILER_ID",
            "value": "string"

This only shows the minimum required request schema to create a North America rail shipment . To view the full request schema, see the API Reference documentation for this endpoint.

  1. Send the request.

Fields and Objects

identifiersA list of the shipment's identifying information.array of identifiers
identifiers.typeThe type of shipment identifier.stringValid values include: CONTAINER_ID, TRAILER_ID, or RAIL_CAR_ID.
identifiers.valueThe value of the shipment identifier.string

Expected System Response

You have successfully submitted the request when you receive a 200 OK response.

  "id": "string",
  "identifiers": [
      "type": "TRAILER_ID",
      "value": "string"

This is an example of what could be returned in the response. Null fields will not show up in the response. Please refer to the API Reference documentation for more information on required and potential null fields.

A unique project44 ID (id) is returned in the response after shipment creation. Store this ID to use in future API calls.

Fields and Objects

idThe shipment's master shipment ID.stringThe id will always be populated in the POST response. The id will always be populated in the POST response. Save this Shipment ID and use for future API calls.
identifiersA list of the shipment's identifying information.Array of identifiers
identifiers.typeThe type of shipment identifier.stringValid values for North American Rail identifiers include: CONTAINER_ID, TRAILER_ID, or RAIL_CAR_ID.
identifiers.valueThe value of the shipment identifier.string


If there was a problem with your request, you will receive one of the following error codes

  • 400 Invalid request
  • 401 Invalid or missing credentials
  • 403 User not authorized to perform this operation

See Error Response Codes in the Appendix for more information on the meaning of these error codes.

Create a Europe Rail Shipment with One Stop

Create a Europe Rail shipment with stop information that includes the running country or the start station. This step is necessary before tracking of a Rail shipment can start.


Have the following information, at a minimum, to successfully create a shipment:

  • Shipment identifier (TRAIN_NUMBER)
  • Information for the ORIGIN or DESTINATION stop, including the country code
  • Events with planned times


  1. Prepare a POST request to /api/v4/shipments/tracking. For example:
    "identifiers": [
            "type": "TRAIN_NUMBER",
            "value": "string"
    "routeInfo": {
        "stops": [
                "id": "string",
                "type": "ORIGIN",
                "location": {   
                    "address": {
                        "country": "IT"
    "events": [
            "type": "DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP",
            "stopId": "string",
            "plannedDateTime": "2022-10-01T04:00:00+0000"

This only shows the minimum required request schema to create a Europe rail shipment with one stop. To view the full request schema, see the API Reference documentation for this endpoint.

  1. Send the request.

Fields and Objects

identifiersA list of the shipment's identifying information.Array of identifiers
identifiers.typeThe type of shipment identifier.stringValid value is TRAIN_NUMBER.
identifiers.valueThe value of the shipment identifier.string
routeInfoAn object of information for one stop.object
routeInfo.stopsAn array of the stop associated with the shipment.Array of objects
routeInfo.stops.idThe uuid for the stop.
routeInfo.stops.typeThe type of stop.stringValid value is: ORIGIN or DESTINATION.
routeInfo.stops.locationThe stop location object.object
routeInfo.stops.location.addressThe stop address object.objectFor shipments with one stop, the country code is mandatory.
routeInfo.stops.location.address.countryThe country code for the stop location.stringSee the API Reference Documentation for a list of valid values.
eventsEvents for the shipment.Array of objects
events.typeThe type of event that will occur.string

The event type depends on the stop type. Valid values include:

DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP event type for an ORIGIN stop type.

events.stopIdThe ID of the stop relevant to the event.string
events.plannedDateTimeThe planned time for when the event window will start.string

Expected System Response

You have successfully submitted the request when you receive a 200 OK response.

    "id": "string",
    "identifiers": [
            "type": "TRAIN_NUMBER",
            "value": "string"
    "routeInfo": {
        "stops": [
                "id": "string",
                "type": "ORIGIN",
                "location": {   
                    "address": {
                        "country": "IT"
    "events": [
            "type": "DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP",
            "stopId": "string",
            "plannedDateTime": "2022-10-01T04:00:00+0000"

This is an example of what could be returned in the response. Null fields will not show up in the response. Please refer to the API Reference documentation for more information on required and potential null fields.

A unique project44 ID (id) is returned in the response after shipment creation. Store this ID to use in future API calls.

Fields and Objects

idThe shipment's master shipment ID.stringThe id will always be populated in the POST response. Save this Shipment ID and use for future API calls.
identifiersA list of the shipment's identifying information.Array of identifiers
identifiers.typeThe type of shipment identifier.stringValid values for North American Rail identifiers include: WAGON_ID or TRAIN_NUMBER.
identifiers.valueThe value of the shipment identifier.string
routeInfoAn object of information for one stop.object
routeInfo.stopsAn array of the stop associated with the shipment.Array of objects
routeInfo.stops.idThe uuid for the stop.
routeInfo.stops.typeThe type of stop.stringValid value is: ORIGIN or DESTINATION.
routeInfo.stops.locationThe stop location object.object
routeInfo.stops.location.addressThe stop address object.objectFor shipments with one stop, the country code is mandatory.
routeInfo.stops.location.address.countryThe country code for the stop location.stringSee the API Reference Documentation for a list of valid values.
eventsEvents for the shipment.Array of objects
events.typeThe type of event that will occur.string

The event type depends on the stop type. Valid values include:

DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP event type for an ORIGIN stop type.

events.stopIdThe ID of the stop relevant to the event.string
events.plannedDateTimeThe planned time for when the event window will start.string


If there was a problem with your request, you will receive one of the following error codes

  • 400 Invalid request
  • 401 Invalid or missing credentials
  • 403 User not authorized to perform this operation

See Error Response Codes in the Appendix for more information on the meaning of these error codes.

Create a Europe Rail Shipment with More than One Stop

Create a Europe Rail shipment with information for more than one stop. This step is necessary before tracking of a Rail shipment can start.


Have the following information, at a minimum, to successfully create a shipment:

  • Shipment identifier (WAGON_ID or TRAIN_NUMBER)
  • Information for each stop, including either coordinates or the station identifiers, stop type, stop name, and stop ID
  • Events with planned times


  1. Prepare a POST request to /api/v4/shipments/tracking. For example:
    "identifiers": [
            "type": "WAGON_ID",
            "value": "string"
    "routeInfo": {
        "stops": [
                "id": "string",
                "type": "ORIGIN",
                "location": {
                    "identifiers": [
                            "type": "RAIL_EU_PLC",
                            "value": "string"
                    "name": "string",
                    "address": {
                        "postalCode": "string",
                        "addressLines": [...],
                        "city": "string",
                        "state": "string",
                        "country": "US"
                "id": "string",
                "type": "DESTINATION",
                "location": {
                    "identifiers": [
                            "type": "RAIL_EU_PLC",
                            "value": "string"
                    "name": "string",
                    "address": {
                        "postalCode": "string",
                        "addressLines": [...],
                        "city": "string",
                        "state": "string",
                        "country": "US"
    "events": [
            "type": "DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP",
            "stopId": "string",
            "plannedDateTime": "2022-10-01T04:00:00+0000"
            "type": "ARRIVAL_AT_STOP",
            "stopId": "string",
            "plannedDateTime": "2022-10-01T22:00:00+0000"

This only shows the minimum required request schema to create a European rail shipment with more than one stop. To view the full request schema, see the API Reference documentation for this endpoint.

  1. Send the request.

Fields and Objects

identifiersA list of the shipment's identifying information.Array of identifiers
identifiers.typeThe type of shipment identifier.stringValid values include: WAGON_ID or TRAIN_NUMBER.
identifiers.valueThe value of the shipment identifier.string
routeInfoAn object of information for one stop.object
routeInfo.stopsAn array of the stop associated with the shipment.Array of objects
routeInfo.stops.idThe ID of the stop.string
routeInfo.stops.typeThe type of stop.stringValid values include: ORIGIN, DESTINATION, or TRANSFER.
routeInfo.stops.locationThe stop location object.object
routeInfo.stops.location.identifiersThe list of standard identifiers for the location.Array of objects
routeInfo.stops.location.identifiers.typeThe type of location identifier.stringValid values include" RAIL_SPLC, RAIL_UIC, and RAIL_EU_PLC.
routeInfo.stops.location.identifiers.valueThe value of the location identifier.string
routeInfo.stops.location.nameThe stop name.string
routeInfo.stops.location.addressThe stop address object.object
eventsEvents for the shipment.Array of objects
events.typeThe type of event that will occur.string

The event type depends on the stop type. Valid values include:

DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP event type for an ORIGIN stop type.

Both ARRIVAL_AT_STOP and DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP event types for a TRANSFER stop type

ARRIVAL_AT_STOP event type for a DESTINATION stop type.

events.stopIdThe ID of the stop relevant to the event.string
events.plannedDateTimeThe planned time for when the event window will start.string

Expected System Response

You have successfully submitted the request when you receive a 200 OK response.

    "id": "string",
    "identifiers": [
            "type": "TRAIN_NUMBER",
            "value": "string"
    "shipmentShareLink": "string",
    "createdDateTime": "2022-09-09T11:54:14+0000",
    "routeInfo": {
        "stops": [
                "id": "string",
                "type": "ORIGIN",
                "location": {
                    "name": "string",
                    "identifiers": [
                            "type": "RAIL_EU_PLC",
                            "value": "string"
                    "address": {
                        "postalCode": "string",
                        "addressLines": ["object"],
                        "city": "string",
                        "state": "string",
                        "country": "US"
                "id": "string",
                "type": "DESTINATION",
                "location": {
                    "name": "string",
                    "identifiers": [
                            "type": "RAIL_EU_PLC",
                            "value": "string"
                    "address": {
                        "postalCode": "string",
                        "addressLines": ["object"],
                        "city": "string",
                        "state": "string",
                        "country": "US"
    "events": [
            "type": "DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP",
            "stopId": "string",
            "plannedDateTime": "2022-10-01T04:00:00+0000"
            "type": "ARRIVAL_AT_STOP",
            "stopId": "string",
            "plannedDateTime": "2022-10-01T22:00:00+0000"

This is an example of what could be returned in the response. Null fields will not show up in the response. Please refer to the API Reference documentation for more information on required and potential null fields.

A unique project44 ID (id) is returned in the response after shipment creation. Store this ID to use in future API calls.

Fields and Objects

identifiersA list of the shipment's identifying information.Array of identifiers
identifiers.typeThe type of shipment identifier.stringValid values include: WAGON_ID or TRAIN_NUMBER.
identifiers.valueThe value of the shipment identifier.string
routeInfoAn object of information for one stop.object
routeInfo.stopsAn array of the stop associated with the shipment.Array of objects
routeInfo.stops.idThe ID of the stop.string
routeInfo.stops.typeThe type of stop.stringValid values include: ORIGIN, DESTINATION, and TRANSFER.
routeInfo.stops.locationThe stop location object.object
routeInfo.stops.location.identifiersThe list of standard identifiers for the location.Array of objects
routeInfo.stops.location.identifiers.typeThe type of location identifier.stringValid values include" RAIL_SPLC, RAIL_UIC, and RAIL_EU_PLC.
routeInfo.stops.location.identifiers.valueThe value of the location identifier.string
routeInfo.stops.location.nameThe stop name.string
routeInfo.stops.location.addressThe stop address object.object
eventsEvents for the shipment.Array of objects
events.typeThe type of event that will occur.string

The event type depends on the stop type. Valid values include:

DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP event type for an ORIGIN stop type.

Both ARRIVAL_AT_STOP and DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP event types for a TRANSFER stop type

ARRIVAL_AT_STOP event type for a DESTINATION stop type.

events.stopIdThe ID of the stop relevant to the event.string
events.plannedDateTimeThe planned time for when the event window will start.string


If there was a problem with your request, you will receive one of the following error codes

  • 400 Invalid request
  • 401 Invalid or missing credentials
  • 403 User not authorized to perform this operation

See Error Response Codes in the Appendix for more information on the meaning of these error codes.