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Get Shipment Information

Our Shipment Tracking APIs are designed to be used in an asynchronous manner. This means that a behavior or functionality may not be immediately available upon submission to our API because our system processes data asynchronously.

For more information about how to use the specific endpoints and features, please consult our user guide and API Reference documentation.

Get Events Data for a Shipment

Use the GET: Fetch the event history for a shipment endpoint to retrieve information on shipment milestones. Event history is the primary way to understand where your shipments are or what milestones they have completed.

Required Fieldsshipment identifier (AIR_WAYBILL or HOUSE_AIR_WAYBILL)

Get Position Data for a Shipment

Use the GET: Fetch the position history for a shipment endpoint to get granular information about a shipment’s location.

Required Fieldsshipment identifier (AIR_WAYBILL or HOUSE_AIR_WAYBILL)

Get a Shipment’s Route History

Use the GET: Fetch the route information for a shipment including the stops and route segments endpoint to get specific information about a shipment’s route and the stops a shipment has made.

Required Fieldsshipment identifier (AIR_WAYBILL or HOUSE_AIR_WAYBILL)

Get Full Shipment History

Use the GET: Get full tracking history for a shipment endpoint to get detailed information on a shipment’s stops, events, and positions throughout its transportation journey.

Required Fieldsshipment identifier (AIR_WAYBILL or HOUSE_AIR_WAYBILL)