Last updated

Create a Shipment

Create an Air shipment by using an API endpoint to add the shipment to project44's network and send tracking information about the shipment.

Create an Air Shipment

Create an Air shipment to be tracked in project44's network using at least one shipment identifier. This step is necessary before tracking of an Air shipment can start.


Have the following information:

  • One shipment ID: AIR_WAYBILL


Complete these steps:

  1. Prepare a POST request to /api/v4/shipments/tracking.
  2. Add the shipment identifiers to the request schema. For example,
  "identifiers": [
      "type": "AIR_WAYBILL",
      "value": "string"

This only shows the minimum required request schema. For the full request schema and descriptions for all fields and objects, please see our reference documentation.

  1. Send the request.

Expected System Response

You have successfully submitted the request when you receive a 200 OK response. Here is a sample of the minimum response schema:

  "id": "uuid",
  "identifiers": [
      "type": "AIR_WAYBILL",
      "value": "string"

Store the id. Use the id to get shipment tracking updates.


If there was a problem with your request, you will receive one of the following error codes:

  • 400 Invalid request
  • 401 Invalid or missing credentials
  • 403 User not authorized to perform this operation

Fields and Objects

idThe Master Shipment ID of the shipment. This field is not required to create the shipment. It is returned in the 200 OK response when you create the shipment.
identifiersThe shipment ID (different from the master shipment ID above) is necessary for shipment creation and for other actions including getting tracking information, updating a shipment, and deleting shipments.
identifiers.typeThe type of identifier for the shipment. For shipment creation, you must include AIR_WAYBILL (a unique identifier given to you by the air carrier).
identifiers.valueThe value for the identifiers for the shipment.