Last updated


The project44 API offers authentication and authorization for client applications and integrations through the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type over HTTPS.

OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorizing applications to access APIs on the web. The client credentials grant type is

  • the simplest of several OAuth 2.0 authorization grant types

  • is used to authorize client applications to access data in your project44 account without the context of an end user.

Your application or integration itself is the agent making API requests to project44 on behalf of your users or a background process.


Use the following information to create and manage a client application to use for all project44 endpoints

  1. Create a client application
  2. Add the appropriate roles to the client application
  3. Add the client application to the appropriate access groups
  4. Generate a token
  5. Use token in API request
  6. Manage your client application

Scope of guide

We utilize the standard OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type but to help guide you through the process, the below information specifically targets first time set up and verifying that the client application has the appropriate permissions. As such, this is explained through using Postman and includes links to Postman collections for ease of use.

For long term and automated token regeneration, we recommend storing and securing your client application instead of manual requests through postman. See here.

Postman Collections

To ease integrations, below are the Postman collections that contain the appropriate endpoints per environment. Please be aware that Postman is good for initial confirmation of a client applications access to a resource but tokens should be stored and reused for the duration of their 12 hours.

Postman collection: