Last updated


Create a Truckload shipment to be tracked in project44's network. The shipment must be created by you or the customer before you can send tracking updates.

Create a Truckload Shipment

Create a Truckload shipment to be tracked when a customer has not or is unable to create the shipment.


Have the following information:

  • Carrier ID: SCAC, DOT_NUMBER, MC_NUMBER, or P44_EU
  • Customer ID
  • Position Latitude & Longitude
  • Shipment ID: BILL_OF_LADING or ORDER
  • Shipment Stop Information: Number, Name, Postal Code, Address, City, State, Country, Contact, and Appointment Window Start and End Times
  • UTC Timestamp


Complete these steps:

  1. Prepare a POST request to /api/v4/capacityproviders/tl/shipments/statusUpdates.
  2. Enter the required shipment information in the request schema. For example,
  "carrierIdentifier": {
    "type": "SCAC",
    "value": "string"
  "customerId": "company1",
  "latitude": 0,
  "longitude": 0,
  "shipmentIdentifiers": [
      "type": "ORDER",
      "value": "815558675309"
  "shipmentStops": [
      "address": {
        "postalCode": "69005",
        "addressLines": [
          "9 Rue du Cardinal Gerlier"
        "city": "LYON",
        "state": "",
        "country": "FR"
      "appointmentWindow": {
        "startDateTime": "2021-08-03T08:00:00",
        "endDateTime": "2021-08-03T12:00:00",
        "localTimeZoneIdentifier": "Europe/Paris"
      "contact": {
        "companyName": "Company 1"
      "stopName": "LYON STOP",
      "stopNumber": 1
      "address": {
        "postalCode": "44141",
        "addressLines": [
          "Grimmeweg 11"
        "city": "DORTMUND",
        "state": "",
        "country": "DE"
      "appointmentWindow": {
        "startDateTime": "2021-08-05T08:00:00",
        "endDateTime": "2021-08-05T10:00:00",
        "localTimeZoneIdentifier": "Europe/Berlin"
      "contact": {
        "companyName": "Company 2"
      "stopName": "DORTMUND",
      "stopNumber": 2
  "utcTimestamp": "2021-08-02T15:29:57"

This is an example of what could be returned in the response. Null fields will not show up in the response. Please refer to the reference data for more information on required and potential null fields.

  1. Send the request.

Expected Response

The request is successfully submitted and confirmed when a 202 Accepted response is received.


If there was a problem with your request, you will receive one of the following error codes:

  • 400 Invalid request
  • 401 Invalid or missing credentials
  • 403 User not authorized to perform this operation

See Error Response Codes in the Appendix for more information on the meaning of these error codes.

Fields & Objects

The table below describes only the minimum relevant fields necessary for the shipment creation request. These are also the same fields returned in the API Response 202 Accepted.

carrierIdentifierThis array contains your carrier identifier information.
carrierIdentifier.typeThe carrier identifier type. Valid values include SCAC , DOT_NUMBER, MC_NUMBER, and P44_EU.
carrierIdentifier.valueThe shipment identifier value agreed upon by you and our mutual customer.
customerIdThe Customer ID provided by your project44 representative.
latitudeSend 0 during shipment creation because you are not providing a position update.
longitudeSend 0 during shipment creation because you are not providing a position update.
shipmentIdentifiersThe identifiers for the shipment.
shipmentIdentifiers.typeThe type of the shipment identifier. Valid values include ORDER or BILL_OF_LADING.
shipmentIdentifiers.valueThe value of the shipment identifier.
shipmentStopsThis array includes information for each shipment stop.
shipmentStops.addressAn array of the stop's address.
shipmentStops.address.postalCodeThe postal code for the stop.
shipmentStops.address.addressLinesThe street address for the stop.
shipmentStops.appointmentWindowThe appointment window start and end dates and times for the stop.
shipmentStops.appointmentWindow.startDateTimeWhen the appointment window starts formatted yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.
shipmentStops.appointmentWindow.endDateTimeWhen the appointment window ends formatted yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.
shipmentStops.appointmentWindow.localTimeZoneIdentifierThe Timezone identifier for this appointment window. For example, America/Chicago.
shipmentStops.contactAn array that includes the contact information for a shipment stop. name of the shipment stop’s company/contact.
shipmentStops.stopNameThe name of the shipment stop.
shipmentStops.stopNumberThe number of the shipment stop.
utcTimestampThe UTC time of the shipment's creation formatted yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss. Local time must be converted to UTC.