Version 4.0.0 of project44's API
Version 4.0.0 of project44's API
curl -i -X GET \ '{shipmentId}/positionhistory?includeRouteInfo=false' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "positions": [ { … } ], "shipment": { "accessGroups": [ … ], "attributes": [ … ], "createdDateTime": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "identifiers": [ … ], "lastModifiedDateTime": "string", "plan": { … }, "relatedShipments": [ … ], "routeInfo": { … }, "shipmentShareLink": "string" } }
curl -i -X GET \ '{shipmentId}/tracking' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
This set is populated when a shipment is entitled to specific access groups, it denotes which group(s) are entitled visibility.
An optional user-defined set of custom attributes to associate with this shipment.
The date and time when this shipment was created. This value is read only and will be ignored during shipment creation.
Used to identify a shipment.
Only the following identifier types are accepted when creating or updating a shipment:
The date and time when this shipment was last modified. This value is read only and will be ignored during shipment creation or modification.
List of related shipments of the parent shipment. This is optional.
Route info model that contains the stops and route for the shipment.
{ "accessGroups": [ { … } ], "attributes": [ { … } ], "createdDateTime": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "identifiers": [ { … } ], "lastModifiedDateTime": "string", "plan": { "expectedTransportationModes": [ … ] }, "relatedShipments": [ { … } ], "routeInfo": { "routeSegments": [ … ], "stops": [ … ] }, "shipmentShareLink": "string" }
curl -i -X DELETE \ '{shipmentId}/tracking' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "httpStatusCode": 0, "httpMessage": "string", "errorMessage": "string", "errors": [ { … } ], "supportReferenceId": "string" }
curl -i -X GET \ '{shipmentId}/tracking/history' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
All costs incurred for this shipment and the assets contained within.
All events that occurred for this shipment. Will always be in ascending order by the date the event occurred.
Locations where this shipment has been recorded. Data may be down-sampled. Will always be in ascending order by the date that the shipment was at that position.
This model is populated when the data is shared across tenants, it conditionally describes which tenant(s) are involved with the shared data using tenant name and tenant UUID.
{ "costs": [ { … } ], "events": [ { … } ], "exceptions": [ { … } ], "positions": [ { … } ], "sharingContext": { "dataOriginators": [ … ], "recipients": [ … ] }, "shipment": { "accessGroups": [ … ], "attributes": [ … ], "createdDateTime": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "identifiers": [ … ], "lastModifiedDateTime": "string", "plan": { … }, "relatedShipments": [ … ], "routeInfo": { … }, "shipmentShareLink": "string" }, "states": [ { … } ] }
If the shipment does not exist, this will create a new shipment.
If the shipment is already being tracked (and the corresponding id field is provided), this operation is add only for the provided fields.
Note: This operation only modifies data that the user has provided.
This set is populated when a shipment is entitled to specific access groups, it denotes which group(s) are entitled visibility.
An optional user-defined set of custom attributes to associate with this shipment.
All costs incurred for this shipment and the assets contained within.
The date and time when this shipment was created. This value is read only and will be ignored during shipment creation.
Used to identify a shipment.
Only the following identifier types are accepted when creating or updating a shipment:
The date and time when this shipment was last modified. This value is read only and will be ignored during shipment creation or modification.
List of related shipments of the parent shipment. This is optional.
Route info model that contains the stops and route for the shipment.
curl -i -X POST \ \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "accessGroups": [ { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08" } ], "attributes": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string", "values": [ "string" ] } ], "costs": [ { "type": "UNKNOWN", "identifiers": [ { "type": "AIR_WAYBILL", "value": "string" } ], "totalCost": { "currency": "USD", "amount": 0 }, "tier": "UNKNOWN" } ], "createdDateTime": "string", "events": [ { "dateTime": "string", "dateTimes": [ { "type": "UNKNOWN", "dateTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "endDateTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "lastModifiedDateTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "source": "UNKNOWN", "sourceIdentifiers": [ { "type": "AIR_WAYBILL", "value": "string" } ], "selected": true, "sequence": 0 } ], "description": "string", "details": { "mobileTracking": { "code": "UNKNOWN" }, "ocean": { "code": "UNKNOWN" }, "qualityControl": { "code": "UNKNOWN" } }, "estimateDateTime": "string", "estimateLastCalculatedDateTime": "string", "plannedDateTime": "string", "plannedEndDateTime": "string", "receivedDateTime": "string", "routeSegmentId": "a5aad6c5-e2d6-4a7a-8912-ea0254639352", "stopId": "dd775241-8a00-4193-b07c-f3e4740fdc43", "type": "UNKNOWN" } ], "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "identifiers": [ { "type": "AIR_WAYBILL", "value": "string" } ], "lastModifiedDateTime": "string", "plan": { "expectedTransportationModes": [ { "enumValue": "AIR" } ] }, "relatedShipments": [ { "accessGroups": [ { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08" } ], "attributes": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string", "values": [ "string" ] } ], "createdDateTime": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "identifiers": [ { "type": "AIR_WAYBILL", "value": "string" } ], "lastModifiedDateTime": "string", "plan": { "expectedTransportationModes": [ { "enumValue": "AIR" } ] }, "shipmentShareLink": "string" } ], "routeInfo": { "routeSegments": [ { "emissions": { "distance": { "value": 0, "unit": "FT" }, "co2EmissionIntensity": { "value": 0, "unit": "KG_PER_KM" }, "totalCO2Emissions": { "value": 0, "unit": "LB" }, "vehicleInfo": { "weight": { "value": 0, "unit": "LB" }, "type": "string" }, "cargoWeight": { "value": 0, "unit": "LB" }, "loadFactor": 0.1 }, "fromStopId": "257296aa-4e11-4168-b6a7-981b8b94815b", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "identifiers": [ { "type": "AIR_WAYBILL", "value": "string" } ], "toStopId": "5f1765b9-dde0-424e-963b-bb3b4e1d1d56", "transportationMode": "AIR" } ], "stops": [ { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "type": "UNKNOWN", "location": { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "name": "string", "identifiers": [ { "type": "AIRPORT_IATA", "value": "string" } ], "address": { "postalCode": "string", "addressLines": [ "str" ], "city": "string", "state": "string", "country": "US" }, "coordinates": { "latitude": -90, "longitude": -180 }, "timeZone": "string" } } ] }, "shipmentShareLink": "string" }'
This set is populated when a shipment is entitled to specific access groups, it denotes which group(s) are entitled visibility.
An optional user-defined set of custom attributes to associate with this shipment.
All costs incurred for this shipment and the assets contained within.
The date and time when this shipment was created. This value is read only and will be ignored during shipment creation.
Used to identify a shipment.
Only the following identifier types are accepted when creating or updating a shipment:
The date and time when this shipment was last modified. This value is read only and will be ignored during shipment creation or modification.
List of related shipments of the parent shipment. This is optional.
Route info model that contains the stops and route for the shipment.
{ "accessGroups": [ { … } ], "attributes": [ { … } ], "costs": [ { … } ], "createdDateTime": "string", "events": [ { … } ], "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "identifiers": [ { … } ], "lastModifiedDateTime": "string", "plan": { "expectedTransportationModes": [ … ] }, "relatedShipments": [ { … } ], "routeInfo": { "routeSegments": [ … ], "stops": [ … ] }, "shipmentShareLink": "string" }