Drayage Visibility
Drayage is a short distance transportation of goods, usually by truck. It plays a key role in the supply chain. project44's Drayage Visibility extends the visibility of on-carriage leg of the ocean shipments by tracking the drayage movement of goods.
Overview of Workflow
The workflows to create, get tracking information for, update, and delete a Drayage shipment are the same as for any other Ocean shipment. Nuances specific to Drayage visibility are called out in the sections below.
Create a Drayage Shipment
Follow the steps to Create an Ocean Shipment for tracking. For the Drayage Visibility, update the discovered/created related container shipment with the drayage information.
- Container ID
- Import Drayage Carrier SCAC
Sample POST Request on the discovered/created container shipment
{ "identifiers": [ { "type": "CONTAINER_ID", "value": "string" }, { "type": "IMPORT_DRAYAGE_CARRIER_SCAC", "value": "string" } ] }
Fields and Objects
The table below describes only the relevant POST request fields. For more information, please see our API Reference documentation.
Element | Description | Type | Notes |
identifiers.type | The type of identifier for the shipment. | string | IMPORT_DRAYAGE_CARRIER_SCAC should be provided on the Container Shipment and parent ocean shipment should have BILL_OF_LADING or BOOKING_NUMBER |
identifiers.value | The identifier value. | string |
If there was a problem with your request, you will receive one of the following error codes
400 Invalid request
401 Invalid or missing credentials
403 User not authorized to perform this operation
See Error Response Codes in the Appendix for more information on the meaning of these error codes.
Get Drayage Tracking Updates
Follow the steps to Get Ocean Shipment Update.
- The drayage events will be merged with the ocean carrier events in the
- Create a shipment. A shipment must have been created with right set of identifiers to retrieve Drayage visibility data.
Drayage Shipment Event Types(Import Drayage)
Event | Description |
ARRIVAL_AT_STOP | The container/truck has arrived at a port, inland facility or delivery location. |
DEPARTURE_FROM_STOP | The container/truck has departed from a port, inland facility or delivery location. |
DELIVERY | The Shipment has been delivered to the consignee at delivery location. |
GATE_IN_EMPTY | The container has been returned to the carrier empty. |
Drayage Shipment Stop Types(Import Drayage)
Stop | Description |
ORIGIN | Port of Discharge/last inland facility where drayage carrier collects the container from ocean carrier |
DESTINATION | The place where the drayage carrier delivers the shipment to the consignee |
RETURN | Port/inland facility where the drayage carrier returns the empty container to the ocean carrier |